Attention North Indians

Please stop using “would” when you mean “will”. For example, you shouldn’t say. “I would be coming for dinner” when you mean “I will be coming for dinner”
Thank you.

545 thoughts on “Attention North Indians

  1. Seriously Ravi,

    you need some serious hand holding…….best of luck with your little racist venture.

  2. Ha!

    North Indians SUCK for the following reasons:

    -> ZEESHAN, FUCKING STOP PUSHING YOUR FANTASIES ONTO US. 99% of the girls in our south indian community are extremely touchy about their virginities, and save themselves for the wedding night as much as possible. THEY WOULD NEVER REQUEST A GUY TO FUCK THEM, NO MATTER IF HE LOOKS LIKE TOM-FUCKING-CRUISE!!!

    -> They are arrogant about their good looks

    -> They speak nothing but Hindi, even when they are in a community where Hindi is not common

    ->They have VERY POOR personal Hygiene (YYYYUCCCKKK, BAARFFF!)

    -> They spit paan by the litres. I fucking hate it.

    -> They are extremely miserly, and try to extract as much work as possible from people while trying to pay UNFAIRLY low remuneration (I hate this PIG/BEAVER/MONKEY cross LIKE mentality)

    -> North Indians make me, the emperor of the world, feel sick. ALL of them deserve to get castrated, then beheaded

    -> A hundred other stupid dubious qualities I could go on listing forever

    I like North Indians for:

    -> Sardarjis. They have a lot of honor and courage. I respect the Sardarjis in our defense forces. They are extremely hard working, as well as friendly.

    -> Some of them can be really kind

    -> A fraction of their population has some culture and civility

    -> Strong community ties – they help build lives amongst themselves as much as possible

    -> Their absolute lack of fear when settling down in new environments, that may turn out as hostile

    -> Some of their species is the complete opposite of the rest of them, as is with all the populations of the world

    -> A lot of North Indian girls look really good

    South Indians SUCK for the following reasons

    -> They try to spend as less money as possible, and live meager lives even when they can afford proper lifestyles

    -> Lots of them are extremely devotional, to the point of superstitiousness and/or bigotry

    -> They would do anything to bring down another member of their community, if that person is achieving a better progress rate than themselves (what a sorry fuck)

    -> A lot of the “ayyo” girls do, in fact, SUCK ROTTEN DICK in the looks department

    -> They do not know how to strike back, most of the time – they just can’t combine their intelligence with a proper level of agression, at the right time and place. Ravikiran Rao is a wonderful example of a person who knows how to handle north assholes in such a great manner, but a lot of us are not so blessed with instant intelligence…

    South Indians are likeable for:

    -> Very, Very Intelligent characters

    -> Extremely hard working when it comes to their career

    -> Very strong family ties, and most of them respect their parents a lot, and take care of them

    -> It’s great to have a south indian friend at a party; uncivil, but wild and fun!

    So all north indians, please send all your brainless flames to, I’d be very happy to strike right back, hitting you in the balls!

  3. South fucking indians suck like shit… the motherfuckers are black like shit n ugly like hema fucking malini… and the girls r fat n short and basically porn material… fuck u n ur culture u batsards..

  4. Yo u mother fucking pig jason shit bourne or watever… are u fucking ay n retarded u south indian cock sucker… did ur dad fuck a pig and bring u out thru its ass?? ur fucking pig man..

  5. I’ve only heard South Indians say would instead of will. You have it the wrong way round. Or for that matter the sideways headwag to say yes. Only south Indian. I am Pakistani and unbiased.

  6. North Indians SUCK big time

    They are white obsessed blackies who can’t talk English,uneducated cunts who lives in Slums…Well now a days South Indians treat them like beggars…Go South India…We are the kings and North Indians are our workers 😀

  7. those shit people dont speak other than hindi, cunning , spitting on the roads with pan, pancha parathesinga.

    South india is going forward interms of technology and maintaining culture, more knowledgeable. Lazzy donkeys of north indian dont like to go anywhere other than the girls dick. Fucking people will kill for 20rs bribe also. Especially on nepal india border the north policemen is like begging for 10 rs to give as bribe.

    The idiot bull shit north indians dont follow any culture, the north girls bed with any one easily. there no big difference between the pig and them. all big big boobs of 5/5 kg.

  8. Ha. A post on Northies, eh? Its a wonder there have been so many replies from Nothies…I thought they couldnt read very well. Did someone mention they stink? Thats an understatement. They emit an unwashed odour that will put a tannery to shame. Yeah, thats right. Emit is the word for it. An assault on the nostrils of those who are unfortunate to be within a few feet of them. Oh, they do try to cover up the odour with more than a few sprays of perfume. Alas, the odour wins.

    Their English is so poor that Shakespeare must be doing somersaults in his grave, let alone roll. I kid you not. I mean, I have not heard anyone use a hindi word in between an english sentence and in such a horrible hindi accent. An example would be ‘I told him ki it was not posseeeebal’.

    Coming to their looks (ladies first), most Northie girls have a few commonalities when it comes to the face.
    1. They have a round face. Oval isnt a feature of their physiognomy.
    2. Their eyes speak a thousand words. If we could hear them, they would be saying ‘…………..’. I AM KIDDING. They all have unbelievably lifeless eyes.
    3. Most of them have bulbous noses.
    4. It stinks when they speak.
    5. They all (without exception) have the IQ of a dodo raised to the power of 1/100000. Seriously. Some of them have this look of sheer stupidity on their faces that it makes you wonder if thay have a mask on. Then you realize they are also unbelievebly vain about their looks that wearing a mask would be a disgrace to them. So you just stare at their stupid face as they pass by. And they think that we are mesmerised by their looks! BTW, dodos are extinct now. Just mentioning, there is no insinuation of any sort here.
    6. Did I mention that they have oily faces? Yeah. Enough to fill a whole bottle. Its a wonder why they dont get into the oil selling business.
    7. The stupidity of Northie girls is directly proportional to their bust size.
    8. The stupidity of Northie girls can be quantitatively measured by measuring the decay of their brain. Similar to radioactive decay.

    I will come up with other observations later. Bye to all Northie girls and guys out there. I know you wont get offended reading this. If you do, take a deep breath and stand in front of a mirror. You will realize all that I have written is true.

  9. South Indians..shut the fuck up. I was on a train journey to some place in South India..and shit u not..I had never seen uglier women in my life..all of them have beards..I guess there is a lack of saloons in the area. Even if there are..why would anyone go there..Kanjoos saale

  10. I came to US and got chance to see South Indian females and unfortunately got chance to live with them too.
    Not sure why, when they have to say ‘This is correct’ they will say ‘this is corrrrreccccttttaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa’
    They are very very lazy, one of my previous flat mate will take her tiffin box out of her bag only on Monday morning when she has to carry the lunch again……(and guess what, the tiffin in her bag was since Thursday!!!..every weeks story)
    They will cook a lot and eat a lot but will never clean the dishes…only when they need any ..they will search for it in the sink (make lot of noises) and then they wash it use it …throw it in the sink again.
    Their room is a mess….under their bed you’ll see used cotton…ear buds…they will even cut their nails on the bed…they never get up from the bed..its their favorite place. On their bed always ..always watching movies or browsing….
    They cant go alone anywhere….they will just sit at home for days and days..will never go out…
    And when they cook…oh my God!!! every one is coughing…i have to open the windows even in the peak winters..
    and they dont know the use of an exhaust fan in the kitchen…..
    They never do any prayers…and they never take shower in the mornings..only at night.
    Oh there is lot to tell about these ‘aaOOO NNNNnaaaaaa’ ‘ayayaYOOOOO’ females…but I’ll stop here!

  11. I’m a North Indian black beggar who think

    1,I’m white.Don’t yell.I don’t have a mirror to look at myself so I say what my illiterate parents taught us but other people say I’m black as coal. :P.My mom said that looking PALE is beautiful too.My eyes are so beautiful that it’s identical to a fish.

    2,Hindi is the National language of India and it will be.My dad who is an Engineer by profession(He can make slums faster than anyone in the world,his father started it and still going well.).I don’t know why foreigners call me North Indian blackie.I hate when people call me that.

  12. Frankly speaking I could never digest and fathom why the south indians are zealous of northies? is it due to us being better looking and fair, having better women, better respect in society ,dress better and having sweet language etc.? to get self respect you have respect yourselves, why you lech after white north girls? why u bring miss punjab and miss bengal miss gujrat to cast them against ugly black southie uncles in south movies? on the other hand u keep your women as if they are animals, just becaise they are black and not sexy? just earning IT degree and going for ms to US to lowest universities and wearing lungi while smelling like shit , wont earn u respect u black ugly fools. And yes, when IT was not there your economy sucked, evry one of u flocked to delhi, mumbai kolkata for jobs, and if US stops outsourcing you are fucked bcoz u dont know anything else other than doing some fucking maintance work in IT. See harvrd , wharton MBA’s all are northies bcoz southies dont have personality and managerial skills, they are hitech coolies. period.

  13. and u know what you ppl bring bad names to India, the way you did by doing illegal things when ppl from AP were planted with radio collars on their toes, u bastards are destroying indias name.

  14. south indians are ugly shit looking motherfuckers.fuck off to srilanka u madrasi bastards

  15. All of North indian states are muslim states. Muslim invaders raped north indian women for 500 years.

    North india is inferior because of the following reasons.

    1, north indians are short in height.
    2, north indians are weak physically.
    3. They get their fair skin from arab, persian, turkish invaders who raped north indian women.
    4. The sikhs/punjabis are a bunch of cowards. They show their bravery only when in groups.
    5. South indian kings have always defeated north indian kings.
    a. Kannadiga Pulikesi defeated harsha vardhana.
    b. rajaraja chola defeated king of bengal and bihar.
    6. Overall north indians are dirty weak people who have been kept as slaves by Mughals.

    north indians have inferiority complex and jealous on south indians progress.

  16. Well i find north indians stupid and they don’t know how to behave always cussing others calling
    madar chod and complaining ,complain , complain all the time !
    i lived with 2 north indians in my hostel for one year and i can definitely say they don’t know how to behave ,
    he prays to sai baba or whatever and then the next minute calls his professor madar chod , seriously
    i thought to say something right back but in the end he’s not my friend and i never respected him for his attitude , so i didn’t tell him that he had to stop complaining
    about south indians
    Well not hygenic , lazy and yes ugly girls , ladies are there but northies become fat and ugly after marriage and before that all jeans and t-shirt lol .
    There are indeed great looking girls.

    Being around the world i can say brown skin looks beautiful , white is not that good looking .

  17. Hi i am a south indian , ugly , moustached , pet bellied. i am just like vijaykanth, i am watching a vijaykanth song with kiran rathod (yes the same girl who acted opposite ritik in yaadein), we bought her to chennai , gave 20 crores to act against ugly uncle vijaykanth and we all madrashis mastarbate seeeing those movies. i am mastarbating thinking abt north indian fair girls, i beat my sister/daughter everyday bcoz they are ugly, i dont let them open their hairs, they must have choti (manre) , i mastarbate thinking about north eats girls. I go to neyherlands/chandigarh/punjb/bihar to bring 18 year old godlooking girls to act aginst ugly southie uncles nd we l mastarbate thinking about them. we dont have shame, we have IT maintanance work and h1b visa and america and we have radio collars in our feet. we are shameless.

  18. who the hell has created this website that person should be punished by law who is dividing the indians

  19. Northie guys, although most Southies are ugly, some of their females are sexy and extremely seductive and even look attractive. Don’t fall for them – they are the worst back-biting venomous reptiles you could ever ask for. Most of them are on the prowl for good-looking, simple Northie guys and will try to seduce you when either you’re living alone in down South for your job or in mixed company. I had a Southie girlfriend – she was very sexy and I fell for her dusky charms but believe me all that temporary pleasure fizzled out after a while it became impossible to live with her. It was very difficult for me to get rid of her and I had to leave my job and relocate from South India permanently. I won’t work there again for as much money they can throw at me. They don’t really know how to have fun but can put you down because of their so-called intellectual refinement. They are very sadistic by nature and once in a relationship, would withhold sex, using it as a leverage to get what they want. They’re also very money-minded and make their boyfriends spend a lot of money on them. Of course South Indian food is horrible who really likes to eat rice, idlis, dosas and rasam powder all the time. Maybe once in a blue moon but not every single day. South Indian females are very dominating and their mothers are by their side constantly to make your life hell. Among South Indians, the worst are Kannadiga and Keralite females. This is not to say the others like Tamilians and Telugus are any better but the Kannadigas and Keralities are pure evil bitches with no heart or compassion. The fact that some of them are good-looking should make you all the more careful in dealing with them. Don’t fall for their seduction strategies. Don’t give them the benefit of doubt. It’s always better to find a sweet-natured Northie girl, Punjabi, Rajasthani, Haryanvi, UP, Uttarakhand, MP, Bihar Himachali girls are all awesome and will make a better life partner than these South Indians.

  20. One thing that North Indians, very often claim themselves as they are beautiful poor creatures crawling towards south India. Thats shows there lower level of arguments. If you have problem in learning then dont come to south india. First, north indians should learn English first. South indians can manage with good english. Some north indian bastard talked about entrepreneurship skills and named a few. South india had few of medium scale and large scale enterprises [TVS group, India Cements, UB Group, Infosys, HCL, Sundaram Fasterns, Murugappa group….]


    Most of political gruop that spoiled north india is congress…..and it allowed corruption to grow on south india for sake of keeping power. When i think of north indians i always think of ND TIWARI, DIGVIJAY singh, KABIL SIBAL, LALU YADAV, PASWAN,KALMADI, SUKRAM, TELGI, HARSHADMETHA, KETHAN PAREKH, MANOJ TIWARI, aBISHEKH SINGHVI, hope that sums it all.


    You talk abt beauty; yes we are dark; As then say” know devil is better than unknown angel”

  21. Hi i am a south indian , ugly , moustached , pet bellied. i am just like vijaykanth, i am watching a vijaykanth song with kiran rathod (yes the same girl who acted opposite ritik in yaadein), we bought her to chennai , gave 20 crores to act against ugly uncle vijaykanth and we all madrashis mastarbate seeeing those movies. i am mastarbating thinking abt north indian fair girls, i beat my sister/daughter everyday bcoz they are ugly, i dont let them open their hairs, they must have choti (manre) , i mastarbate thinking about north eats girls. I go to neyherlands/chandigarh/punjb/bihar to bring 18 year old godlooking girls to act aginst ugly southie uncles nd we l mastarbate thinking about them. we dont have shame, we have IT maintanance work and h1b visa and america and we have radio collars in our feet. we are shameless.

  22. you southies have been licking out boots for years , and I said those comments bcoz in North indian there is no discrimination but it is in south that shows your fucking cheap mentality. U motherfuckers work quietly in north india and when north indians come here to work you do nasty things and show your ugly coors u bastrds. shame on you. even your women dont prefer you they all go for northies. girls in south open themselves to me like whores, I am sure your sister will also do the same like Sreedevi , jaya, hema, vyjntimla, rekha, suma ranganathan etc. did. have u thought why is it so? bcoz u bastards dont evn treat them with respect , my mind saddens when i see the way south women are kept like kettles but when it comes to movies u want northie girls acting against u uglies? you ppl dont have respect for your own sister/mother wat respect u expect to gain from others?

  23. And yes, north indians are north indians , be it looks, brain or smartness , they will rule u. Wall street is ruled by Nirthies , who gives a shit to infosys (only comoany that has majority of its 6 founders as southies). name any other company (big one) that is founded by southies? so dont give me that IT shit. And DLF, Reliance, TATA, BIRLA, BHARTI, VIDEOCON list is endless. How many southies are Fotune 500 CEOs or equivqlent? none , northies ? many, Vikram Pandit, Nikesh arora, Anshu jain, warrent buffets next in line (some jian, forgot name), Shabeer bhatia.
    So dont try to put some shitty answr here, peace.

  24. Lets face the truth , south indian movies are mindless shitty and the heroes are black ugly uncles, and the one thing that I never figured out is why they bring 15-17 year old miss punjab teen quin/ miss teen natherlands punjabi / miss jaipur teen etc. who are (needless to mention) white as they come and fair and beautiful and sexy and amke them act againsg these southie bastards. Lame caulture and lamer people. These people have lost any kind of self respect or shame. See, i am not racist , I am gujrati born and brought up as bihari in Bihar and worked in Chennai/Chandigarh and now in Bangalore and I dont see things in a negetive light unless they are really negetive and I feel there are lots of negtive thoughts in mind of south indians. I mentioned only one. moreover, they are racist towards northies they have an inferiority complex and they are angry towards northies for no reason. They think the IT boom in Bangalore/chennai/hyderabad is a big achievement but they dont know that it is just a single thing, all other industries are dominated by Northies and yes these people never fought aginst british. they want to lick white peoles foot si thst they can get h1b or do maintance work, but how much do u think u can progress that way? anyway I would not have said these things , but the racism i am facing in bangalore is causing my heart to ache. evryone is racist towards north indians, but when it comes to north girls they have salivas coming out of mouth on the other hand they keep their women as cows why so?

  25. Frankly speaking I could never digest and fathom why the south indians are zealous of northies? is it due to us being better looking and fair, having better women, better respect in society ,dress better and having sweet language etc.? to get self respect you have respect yourselves, why you lech after white north girls? why u bring miss punjab and miss bengal miss gujrat to cast them against ugly black southie uncles in south movies? on the other hand u keep your women as if they are animals, just becaise they are black and not sexy? just earning IT degree and going for ms to US to lowest universities and wearing lungi while smelling like shit , wont earn u respect u black ugly fools. And yes, when IT was not there your economy sucked, evry one of u flocked to delhi, mumbai kolkata for jobs, and if US stops outsourcing you are fucked bcoz u dont know anything else other than doing some fucking maintance work in IT. See harvrd , wharton MBA’s all are northies bcoz southies dont have personality and managerial skills, they are hitech coolies. period.

  26. suresh, sania mirza, ramesh krishnan and mahesh bhupathi are not actually south indians. i am surprised you did not call the name of pankaj advani , they way you think, anyone living in south is south indian? no .

  27. 1)North indian are produced by muslim rapers. ha ha ni f** u.
    2)North indian employers suck the blood of employees. f************** u ni’s.
    3)most of the nothhies are homo sexuals.
    4)most of them try to drink their own testos*****
    5)most of them are heejras.
    6)even my employer was a northie ,he is a homo and try to rape other guys.

  28. Assholes ur south indian girls hide and sleep around in real terms they are professional prostitutes leave the qion of virginity. You don’t know the concept of family a girl can get married to her maternal uncl
    e or a her cousin brother.they are a real shitty girls dosn’t even put kumkum on their forehead .ypu dont burn your dead bodies.leave the question of hanging around your girls are so ugly and so distorted in dimensons that we like to spit on them.and leave the question of freedom struggle if you so great then you separate from india and get drowned in the arabian sea.

  29. some more facts about northinidans..

    1)they wont brush and bath regularly.
    2)they will lose virginity as early as possible.
    3)girls us to have asynchronous relationships and will have sex with atleast 8-10 people before they marry.
    4)they wont have talent at all mostly they dummie for technical.they will do over action with butler english.

  30. hahahahahhha not just south indians, the truth is dravidians are faggofites. Dravidians makes upto 92% of total indian population. Aryans are in less number. For gods sake, don’t under estimate these dravidians, they can be fair as well, but they can not have caucasian features. So overall entire dravidians are bastards. Haha you might speak any aryan language, but that does’nt make you an aryan lol…. Hey dravidian tetools, do you know who invented zero? Lol bastards it’s invented by an aryan named aryabhatta. Guess what he was a bihari lol …..
    As per for my english, i accept it’s not good but it’s enough for communication….
    Plus i speak it with no indian accent…. See homojaras dravidian tetools madrassis….

  31. MY FRIEND drago_helix

    hahahahahhha not just south indians, the truth is dravidians are faggofites. Dravidians makes upto 92% of total indian population. Aryans are in less number. For gods sake, don’t under estimate these dravidians, they can be fair as well, but they can not have caucasian features. So overall entire dravidians are bastards. Haha you might speak any aryan language, but that does’nt make you an aryan lol…. Hey dravidian tetools, do you know who invented zero? Lol bastards it’s invented by an aryan named aryabhatta. Guess what he was a bihari lol …..
    As per for my english, i accept it’s not good but it’s enough for communication….
    Plus i speak it with no indian accent…. See homojaras dravidian tetools madrassis…




  32. Booo!
    Fair people suck!
    Dusky people are the awesomest…. People Pay to get tanned in the US. Your fucking north indian Bitches are ugly and are wannabe caucasians….
    I am a Japanese American, and take it from me, LA people like South Indians better than North Indian Whores..

    I spent 5 years In India, Bangalore rocked. Delhi is what i’d like to call ‘Hell on Earth’.
    Die you ass holes.

  33. if southies r so ugly y r all the northies coming to south for jobs and selling unhygenic drinks made in old abandoned factories.I rarely seen any south indian thats lazy we all are very strong and funny shit there are more pages calling south indians ugly. and ur calling us jealous?

  34. theres been tht major rape case in north india too, when all these guys hijacked a bus and stole a girl and had raped her and killed her boyfriend.thts just sad calling southies messed up wen northies got this case on their side.

  35. asin and vidya balan are south indian. plus we south indians have hotter girls tht r not skinny as fuk like northies and plus a girl looks better at least with some meat on’em. Were dark but light skinned is not always the best tone and remember hitler was also lightly skinned. beauty dosnt mean anything atleast we got the brains, strength, meat, and the hygene all the stuff north indians lack.

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  37. I have never seen any northies hating south.Infact kerelaties stayed in our home and we respected them like anything..

    But southies are shitholes.Come onman they are fucking north indians and fair guys ..I got stomact ulcers and diceases in south ….blackies are just ,i want to kill them with nucleaar bomb.

  38. Always the blackies say aryan invade us,,,,proudly I am saying even if its a Myth …we fucked you to south and ground….bahnechod insaan …even fairer from south are getting effected by blacks…I got stomach ulcer due to extreme stress in south…..divide the balck assholes ,,put them in tamilnadu or shithole state…

  39. People from north should refrain from working in south…..the blackies are killing them…one of the biggest mistakes that bangalore got IT hub …they are fucking idiots ….they are killing northies….please BEWAREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!before sending your sons and daughters to south….

  40. After seeing this i am understanding y India is not developing… There is no unity here.. u people differentiate statewise n fight… then y would foreigners leave us.. come on grow up.. dont forget v are Indians..
    i would like to say I love India…. n wouldn comment bad against any Indian jus differentiating about colour,smartness n all…
    & yes I am from Karnataka.. but I think both north and south Indians are equally smart and beautiful in there own way.. 🙂

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